CBFL Seminar Series: ESG as a Case-Study in Legal Uncertainty


The rise of ESG as a focal point in corporate and financial law in recent years has highlighted the presence of legal uncertainty and the risks associated with it. Fiduciary duty as a general principle governs decision-making both for corporate directors and financial intermediaries, but the specific requirements of the law differ in each context. Moreover, the broad framing of fiduciary duty in each domain poses challenges for mapping it on to ESG. In this seminar, we will explore the nature and implications of legal uncertainty in this context. There are two main objectives: one is to assess the extent of legal uncertainty and its implications; the other is to take stock of actions by various actors to mitigate legal uncertainty and to determine whether further action is required. While the analysis is framed primarily by reference to the law and practice in the UK, much of the reasoning will be relevant for all common law jurisdictions.
About the Speaker
Iain MacNeil joined the School of Law in 2003 and was appointed to the Alexander Stone Chair of Commercial Law in 2005. He is a graduate of the Universities of Glasgow (LLB) and Edinburgh (PhD). Iain’s early career was as an investment analyst in the City of London covering the insurance sector. He took up his first academic appointment following completion of his PhD on The Legal Framework for the EU Single Market in Insurance. Iain served as Head of School from 2015-2019 and is now Head of the Corporate & Financial Law Research Group.
Iain’s primary interest and expertise lies in corporate governance, financial regulation and investment. He has published widely and in particular he has explored the interaction between hard and soft law in this sphere, as well as the influence of international standards. His recent publications focus on sustainable finance and stakeholder interests in corporate governance.
Beyond the University of Glasgow, Iain has several roles: he is an honorary professor at the National Law University Delhi; a PRIME Finance panel member; a member of the advisory board of the Centre for Business Research at the University of Cambridge; a trustee of the British Institute of International and Comparative Law; and Chair of the International Securities Regulation Committee of the International Law Association (ILA). He recently served as Deputy Chair of both the 2020 Hong Kong Law RAE Panel and the 2021 UK Law REF Panel. He has acted as Senior Adviser on several EU projects examining national compliance with EU financial sector Directives.
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Date and Time

Thursday, 15th February 2024 4:00PM GMT+08:00


Thursday, 15th February 2024 5:15PM GMT+08:00


Faculty of Law

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Lee Sheridan Conference Room, Federal Building Level 1, NUS Law, 469G Bukit Timah Road