
chopchop! is an application to help people who cook. It comes with features such as smart recipes, recipe management, ingredient inventory tracking, and recipe sharing.



chopchop! is an application on the iPad for people who cook. It comes with features such as smart recipes, recipe management, ingredient inventory tracking, and recipe sharing.

Recipes in chopchop! are augmented to help the user with their cooking. Every step in a recipe that involves cooking for an extended duration (e.g. boil, bake) will come with inline timers. These timers can be activated by the user to track these times, like when to take out food from the oven for example. Users can add recipes with chopchop! in several ways. They can add recipes manually, or copy text from recipes that they find on the web which is parsed by chopchop! into a standard recipe format, including measurements and durations for our smart recipe features. Users can then organise their recipes into folders, and filter them by text or ingredient.

chopchop! also comes with a recipe sharing feature. Users can publish recipes on the web, rate recipes and download recipes that they are interested in.