** 18th STePS ZOOM CHANNEL: ** https://bit.ly/steps18nus Note: You need ZOOM app installed in your system to join Breakout Rooms
**Event flyer/invitation: ** https://bit.ly/steps18th
**Event programme with layout of projects: @ http://bit.ly/18thSteps
**VOTING: ** ** Course/Track Assignment for Voting**
The following courses/tracks are assigned for voting based on the FIRST LETTER of your LAST NAME:
A to E: CS3217, CS3247
F to K: IS3106, FYP/Source Academy
L to O: CS4240, IS4151
P to T: IS4250, CS6101
U to Z: IS4151, CS3247, FYP/Source Academy

Question: How large should our posters be if our lecturer asked us to produce a poster? I also heard that SoC Technical Services will print the poster for free of cost. Is this true?

Answer: This round STePS is conducted 100% online. No poster is requried!
Question: I am in one of the participating class and my group will be showcasing our project. Do I still need to register?
Answer: No. If you are in one of the participating courses of The 17th STePS, registration is NOT required. Your names will be automatically added based on the project group information submitted by your course professor/lecturer and other data (your metric number, mobile number, and food preference) will be taken from the exhibitor data (user info) submitted by you at uvents.nus.edu.sg site. Please make sure that your user info is completed by ** 06-Apr-2021** at UVENTS system.


** 18th STePS ZOOM CHANNEL: ** https://bit.ly/steps18nus Note: You need ZOOM app installed in your system to join Breakout Rooms
**Event flyer/invitation: ** https://bit.ly/steps18th
**Event programme with layout of projects: @ http://bit.ly/18thSteps
**VOTING: ** ** Course/Track Assignment for Voting**
The following courses/tracks are assigned for voting based on the FIRST LETTER of your LAST NAME:
A to E: CS3217, CS3247 F to K: IS3106, FYP/Source Academy L to O: CS4240, IS4151 P to T: IS4250, CS6101 U to Z: IS4151, CS3247, FYP/Source Academy

Question: We are new to NUS campus. How to reach the STePS event venue?

Answer: This round itis 100% online event. ZOOM links are availabe in Event programme file, sated above.

Question: How long do we have to assess projects? May we do additional assessments outside of the project showcase?

Answer: The projects are meant to be assessed within the evening of STePS. If you wish to give additional feedback to students, please interact with the students to get their email addresses and feel free to send them additional feedback beyond what you were able to provide during the showcase.

Question: Do we have to be an expert in the course material to evaluate the projects?

Answer: No, not at all. Please use your own perspective and experience to guide the students about the real-world value of their work. If you can give constructive feedback that could encourage them to develop their projects further, that would be most appreciated.

Question: What's the minimum commitment in assessing projects?

Answer: You can just use the simple evaluation form. This form consists of a list of projects for each course to select the three best projects in the course and a simple comment field to offer any free-form comments you have about the project. Please indicate the project id for each free form comment. The free-form comments will be given to the project team at a later date.

Question: If I use the more comprehensive evaluation form provided by the course professor/track chair, do I still have to fill out a simple evaluation form?

Answer: Yes, please fill in a simple evaluation form to vote for top three projects in each course. This vote is important as it is the sole mechanism we use to determine prize winners.

Question: How do my comments influence the results of the showcase?

Answer: We value industry comments very highly. We weight your industrial evaluations three times more highly than evaluations by the students to their peers. The votes from both industry as well as participants and guests will be used to determine the prize winners for the showcase. The votes do not influence the project grades, since this is the sole province of the course instructors.

Question: May I evaluate other projects than the ones that I am assigned to?

Answer: Yes! You are free to evaluate any additional projects beyond the ones which we have assigned you. The students are very happy to receive additional evaluation. Grades for any additional projects will also be weighted three times as heavily as peer grades given by students.

Question: May we interact with the project teams outside of the showcase?

Answer: Yes, you may. If you wish to do so, please take note of the students' email addresses. Feel free to offer more comments or schedule a time to meet up to students for any other purposes.

Question: May we promote our company in our discussion with project students?

Answer: Yes, please do! Students in the project showcase are largely undergraduate students in their final years. They are very interested in potential job offers, and may have a resume or CV ready for your perusal.

Question: If we are interested in some of the projects that the students have done, and wish to pursue licensing, who should we approach?

Answer: You should approach the students and the STePS Chief Coordinator, Bhojan Anand, banand [at] comp.nus.edu.sg directly.