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Toh Kar Wi



LingoClash is a language learning app which aims to bring out the best features of language-learning apps in both Chinese and English communities and package them into a compelling application for a productive yet pleasant language-learning experience. We aim to bring language learners from around the globe together to help us co-create an environment that fosters learning by encouraging friendly competitions and forming friendships.



Forging friendships and building connections. ClimbJios, a vibrant community for climbers to share passes, meet new people and discover cool Beta videos from the community.



Chronellium is a challenging puzzle game that takes players on a time-traveling journey to help a scientist destroy his own creation.



AlgoTagger is a tool that classifies Leetcode questions based on topics and data structures. This tool can help users efficiently navigate and practice with Leetcode questions.


Grammarleh: Elevating Grammar Error Correction To New Heights

Given a collection of English sentences denoted as X, where each sentence may or may not contain grammatical errors, our objective is to transform this set into another collection of English sentences denoted as Y, ensuring that each sentence in Y is grammatically correct.