
Every pet deserves the best. PetHub intends to transform the pet community in Singapore by establishing a unified one-stop platform that connects pet owners with pet businesses for all things pet-related.



Did you know that pet ownership in Singapore experienced a significant 30% surge during the 2019 COVID pandemic? Understandable, as who wouldn't want a cute fluffy cat waiting at home for you?

Pet owners in Singapore increasingly value the quality of life for their pets, and are willing to spend more on pet-related services. However, despite the growing demand for pet business and services, the pet services industry is still not very accessible, remaining troublesome and manual, often requiring pet owners to manually book through contact numbers that are online or passed word of mouth.

PetHub intends to transform the pet community in Singapore by establishing a unified one-stop platform for all things pet-related. Pet Owners can browse pet retail, pet grooming and other related services, book these services through our standardized and secure platform. The best thing is, the hassles of manual booking is eliminated when information is gathered all in 1 place! On the other hand, Pet Businesses can partner with us to offer their services on PetHub. They are able to garner more traction and exposure for their businesses. It's a win-win!

By streamlining the places where pet owners search for pet-related services, we are able to tap on this growing and abundant market in Singapore, ultimately helping Singapore's pet community grow stronger and more convenient. Check out PetHub, and remember to give us a vote!