Develop a Non-Procurement Contract (NPC) Management System

Our team has developed a webapp to help CGH admin staff manage their repository of Non-Procurement Contracts.



We designed and developed a webapp for the Operations Planning and performance (OPP) team in CGH to manage and keep track of Non-Procurement Contracts (NPCs).

Using the webapp, CGH users can login and create approval memos for contracts. Contract approvers can also login to approve an approval memo. This completely cuts out the need for taking part in long email chains, where users bounce an excel file approval memo back and forth until all details are filled in.

Additionally, the webapp has the functionality to automate emails, display the approval memo history for each contract and allow users to search for NPCs based on their access rights. These functions all allow the OPP team to use the webapp as a centralised portal for managing CGH's NPCs.

Our team also hopes that this prototype can act as a proof of concept for any other administrative projects that the CGH teams may choose to pursue in the future.