
StarligHT assists teachers in writing reports of their students' holistic development, powered by NLP

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StarligHT helps educators generate meaningful, authentic reports of student growth with little administrative effort.

It is said that children today are being prepared for a world that will be unrecognisable when they reach adulthood. It is therefore crucial to instil in them deep skills and character that will remain relevant in future.

While this is well accepted, limited progress has been made to actualise holistic education. One crucial reason is that educators lack a practical and reliable means of tracking and communicating their students' whole-person progress. Today, teachers have to go through the arduous process of report writing only to produce generic comments that tell little about a student's growth.

Working with the HoloTracker team, we designed an AI-assisted teaching assistant that helps educators communicate student development. It enables educators to construct bite-sized reports with ease, and provides actionable insights that help them gain a fuller picture of their students' growth.

With StarligHT, educators focus on the "human" side of their jobs such as intentionally observing their students' growth and mentoring them, instead of spending hours on administrative tasks.