
Compare universities, find past mappings and plan your exchange application, right here at NUSAbroad.



Applying for exchange but having trouble finding information on partner universities and module mappings? Struggling to organise your exchange study plan? Fret not, NUSAbroad is here to help! Here are some of the things you can do with NUSAbroad:

🏛 Get a quick overview of all 189 partner universities, with information such as past approved mappings, semester schedule, estimated costs, minimum CAP and quick links to related resources! 🙌

🔎 Search by module code or module name to find universities which have past approved mappings for the module! You can also search for universities by name or filter by country! 🌏

📝 Organise your exchange study plan with the built-in planner, which helps keep track of your selected universities and module mappings! And when you’re ready to submit your study plan, you can simply download it as a Word Document! 🚀

⚖️ Can’t decide which universities to pick? With the built-in planner, you can compare multiple universities side-by-side on the same page! No more getting lost among your tabs 🙅

👉 Ready to get started? Try out NUSAbroad here! ✨ NUSAbroad

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